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   Vol. 69/No. 36           September 19, 2005,         SPECIAL ISSUE  
25, 50 and 75 years ago
September 26, 1980
A week after Félix García Rodríguez, a member of the Cuban delegation to the United Nations, was assassinated on a busy New York City street, police have made no arrests.

A caller told United Press International several minutes after the shooting: “Omega 7 commandos are responsible for the execution of a Cuban delegate to the UN…. We intend to continue to eliminate all these traitors from the face of the earth and we are going to continue on executing all these people who are responsible for conditions in Cuba.”

On Friday afternoon, the day after the murder of García, 500 people demonstrated outside the United States Mission to the UN.  
September 26, 1955
SEPT. 22—The Peron dictatorship in Argentina ended on Sept. 19. His overthrow has been widely advertised as a “revolution” by the U.S. press. In reality, power was transferred behind a screen of mere military maneuvering.

Two weeks ago, when the new coup was impending, the leaders of the unions asked that the workers be armed and organized as a militia. Why didn’t Peron heed this request?

The answer contains no deep mystery. Peron dominated the labor movement but was himself the representative of the capitalist class. He maneuvered with the labor movement using it as a battering ram against imperialism in order to promote the wealth of native capitalism.  
October 1, 1930
President Hoover has given his reply to the needs of the unemployed workers in his speech, at the bankers’ convention in Cleveland. With a characteristic genius for insight, he disclosed the fact that what was wrong with many people was…the reduction of their incomes. And how had their incomes been reduced. The answer of the Great Engineer is: “The income of a large part of our people is not reduced by the depression but it is affected by unnecessary fears and pessimism …”

Misery is spreading among the workers and farmers of the country like a prairie fire. An intensive wage cutting campaign is being conducted through the land, actively instigated by business men and bankers, passively accepted by the capitalistic labor leaders.  
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