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   Vol. 69/No. 31           August 15, 2005  
St. Paul meat packers back campaign
leave for socialist mayoral candidate
ST. PAUL, Minnesota—Workers at the Dakota Premium Foods meatpacking plant in South St. Paul have been waging a fight to obtain a 19-day leave of absence for Jacob Perasso, a co-worker and fellow member of Local 789 of the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) union.

Perasso is the Socialist Workers Party candidate for mayor of this city. He has requested a leave of absence to campaign during this time, which includes an August 7-15 trip to Venezuela to take part in the World Festival of Youth and Students there.

Most workers who have been shown a petition in support of the request for a leave have signed it, including a big majority in the boning department. All told, 114 workers have signed on.

On July 26 a delegation of six cut-floor workers went to the plant manager’s office to back Perasso’s formal request and to present the petition, which the manager did not accept. Perasso has also won the support of the union. UFCW Local 789 president Don Seaquist sent a letter of support to the plant manager that said, “Perasso would like to use the time off to keep a campaign pledge that he will attend a youth conference. Jacob is doing what we would like more of our citizens to do, that is, get involved in politics. Regardless of anyone’s political affiliation, Jacob is taking action and as his employer and union, we should support his efforts. I ask that you grant his leave for the purposes of running for Mayor.”

Seven supporters of the socialist campaign stood outside the plant on July 27, and then two days later, with a campaign sign as they talked up the fight for a leave for Perasso among workers from all over the plant. More signatures for the petition were won this way from other areas of the plant. About 100 campaign leaflets were given out. Over the previous two weeks, some 25 workers bought the Militant, many as they were signing the petition.

Perasso also wrote an open letter to the plant manager that was distributed to many workers. The letter explained that the heart of this fight is the ability of workers to participate in politics “as equals with other candidates who have more privileges.”

“This campaign is a good thing. It speaks for and defends the interests of workers,” said Gabriel Pérez Méndez, a worker at Dakota Premium and one of the supporters of the Socialist Workers campaign.

Over the past five years workers have waged a struggle to establish and consolidate a union at Dakota Premium, especially in order to resist the bosses’ push for speed-up. Perasso has been involved with other workers in the union fights against speed-up on the job.

“After denying the leave, the company tried to take a photo of my supervisor giving me a birthday cake, but I wouldn’t accept the cake or let them take the photo because the bosses are always trying to pretend they’re our friends in order to make us work harder and faster,” Perasso said. Afterward, one worker said, “That’s why we signed the petition.”

Rebecca Williamson is a member of UFCW Local 789 and is the Socialist Workers Party candidate for St. Paul School Board.
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