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   Vol. 69/No. 27           July 18, 2005  
25, 50 and 75 years ago
July 18, 1980
South Africa has launched a major invasion of Angola.

Devastating attacks are being carried out against Angolan villages.

Hundreds of Angolans, as well as Namibian refugees and freedom fighters, have been massacred.

Elisio De Figueiredo, Angolan ambassador to the United Nations, charged at a special session of the UN Security Council, “These are not merely war preparations…this is war.”

The Carter administration verbally criticized South Africa’s attacks. But U.S. delegate William Vanden Heuvel joined French and British delegates in abstaining on a motion condemning South Africa in the Security Council.

During the South African invasion of Angola in 1975, U.S. officials also formally dissociated themselves from the racist regime. But it was later admitted that every step in South Africa’s attack had been coordinated with Washington.  
July 18, 1955
In its advance publicity dealing with the conference of the Big Four [United States, United Kingdom, Soviet Union, and France], which is to begin at Geneva July 18, the State Department has stressed that little is to be expected from the parley. By this [John Foster] Dulles means that he counts on major concessions in substance from Moscow and that Washington for its side will certainly offer none.

What has happened is a shift in the world balance of power to the disfavor of American capitalism.

The shift has been registered in a very real way by the continued revolutionary ferment throughout Asia, by the power of the Chinese revolution proved by force of arms in Korea, by the difficulty of rearming Germany and Japan, and by the bitterness of the American people over involvement in the Korean conflict.

Along with this, the rise of the Soviet Union out of World War II to the status of a major power convinced the heads of America’s 60 ruling families that an early war against this formidable force would prove suicidal.  
July 26, 1930
The bubble of the Whalen documents has been loudly and derisively punctured. That clown and former police commissioner Whalen presented these documents as “proof” that Amtorg the official Soviet trading agency in New York was the center of Communist propaganda for the United States.

Three witnesses called before the Fish Committee have conclusively demonstrated from different angles that these “documents” are absolute and unadulterated forgeries.

It is the time-honored practise of the ruling class always to explain away “social unrest” as a malicious foreign importation. In our present epoch of proletarian struggle, the capitalists find the key to all the riddles of the universe in…Moscow gold.  
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