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   Vol. 69/No. 26           July 11, 2005  
Teams at coal mines, packing plants
will boost ‘New International’ sales
“Fresh from successful petitioning to put the Socialist Workers mayoral candidate on the ballot in Seattle, we have met in Utah to spend a week selling the two new issues of New International and the Militant to coal miners and other workers here,” wrote Naomi Craine and Joe Kapsner, currently on the road.

“The team began with visits to the Dugout and Horizon mine portals. A miner at Horizon was interested in visiting the Militant Labor Forum hall in Price to get the New Internationals. He bought a copy of the Militant, which he has read before.” They said that earlier in the day, “a young worker stopped by the hall in Price and bought both New International nos. 12 and 13.”

Craine and Kapsner also reported that five people—including a retired union miner who has followed the Co-Op miners’ organizing battle in nearby Huntington—bought the Militant from a door-to-door team of canvassers in Price, Utah. They met a Militant subscriber who was interested in the upcoming Militant Labor Forum on “Uranium mining, electrification, and workers’ rights” because her uncle died of cancer after working 15 years in uranium mines in Colorado.

A similar team is being organized out of Des Moines, Iowa, for the first week of July. It will include sales at many meatpacking plants in the region. Teams like these give a boost to reaching the goal of selling 3,350 copies of New International.

Most important is organizing a week-to-week plan to campaign to sell New International in working-class districts, in industrial workplaces, at union and political events, and elsewhere. This also includes systematically contacting Militant subscribers, who are likely to be receptive.

Click here to see the New International sales campaign scoreboard
See link for New International sales offer.

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