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   Vol. 69/No. 17           May 2, 2005  
Socialists organize meetings to raise
funds toward the $90,000 Militant Fund
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Partisans of the Militant and Perspectiva Mundial in several cities are planning public meetings to raise funds toward the $90,000 international effort to finance the two socialist publications, which are soon to be combined into a single bilingual weekly format (see front page). The seven-week drive ends May 22.

With less than five weeks remaining in the campaign, these meetings will be a critical part of the success of the effort.

Militant staff member Arrin Hawkins will speak in Boston on May 7 on the topic, Cuba and the Coming American Revolution. Hawkins was part of an international reporting team that provided coverage for the Militant during this year’s Havana International Book Fair.

Ron Smith, a Young Socialist in Pittsburgh, will speak in Cleveland May 1 on the topic There Is No Peace! 60 Years Since the End of World II. Brian Taylor, a coal miner and the Socialist Workers Party candidate for mayor of Pittsburgh, will speak in Houston on May 7.

Argiris Malapanis, editor of the Militant, spoke to about 45 people at the Militant Labor Forum in Los Angeles April 16. Organizers of the meeting made a pitch for the fund that netted $850. For some it was their first chance to make a pledge to the fund and at least two others who already have pledges decided to increase them.

As this issue goes to press, the fund continues to fall behind with $14,438 having been received in contributions. That’s almost $20,000 off the mark in the third week of the effort.

Supporters of the Militant are encouraged to send in accounts of their progress each week that can be included in this column. Checks and money orders should be made out to the Militant, earmarked “Spring Fund Drive,” and sent to the Militant at 306 W. 37th Street, 10th floor, New York, NY 10018.

Click here to see the fund chart

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