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   Vol. 69/No. 10           March 14, 2005  
‘Militant’ drive needs 175 renewals
Partisans of the socialist press have won 150 additional long-term readers since the four-week Militant/Perspectiva Mundial subscription renewal campaign began February 5. However, the effort is still substantially behind schedule with 175 more Militant renewals to go in the final week to make the international goal of 325 on schedule.

On the top of the chart this week are supporters in Auckland, New Zealand, who have already collected their Militant goal of seven. They are poised to go over their goals as part of contributing to the international total.

Supporters of the two socialist publications in Los Angeles set the example this week, having collected nine Militant and three Perspectiva Mundial renewals, putting them at the top of the U.S. chart with 18 Militant and nine Perspectiva Mundial renewals in hand—90 percent of their goal.

In Los Angeles five renewals, (3 Militant and 2 Perspectiva Mundial) were picked up last Friday, two from co-workers at a meatpacking plant, and three at a Militant Labor Forum on Malcolm X that 25 people attended. In addition to the subscription renewals, several books of Malcolm X’s speeches, and eight other books and pamphlets were sold at the forum.

“We have worked the list pretty good. As always, it has been useful to talk to our subscribers—from the recent past, and those further back,” said Frank Forrestal, who is involved in the campaign there.

Click here to see the subscription scoreboard

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