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    Vol. 69/No. 9           March 7, 2005 
Australia protesters mark anniversary of
police killing of Aboriginal youth

SYDNEY, Australia—Some 200 people marched through Redfern, Sydney, February 13 to demand the reopening of the inquest into the cop killing a year ago of Thomas “TJ” Hickey, a 17-year-old Aborigine. Witnesses said Hickey died when his bicycle was rammed by a police car that was chasing him, and he was impaled on a metal fence. The authorities had wanted from the coroner “something completely different to the truth, and they got it,” march organizer Ray Jackson told the marchers, saying the responsibility of the cops involved was whitewashed in the inquest report. Hickey’s killing sparked a nine-hour confrontation between Aboriginal youth and the cops in an area of Aboriginal housing in Redfern known as “the Block.”  
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