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   Vol. 69/No. 8           February 28, 2005  
Campaign to expand long-term
readership of ‘Militant’ begins
The international campaign to expand the long-term readership of the Militant and its Spanish-language sister publication Perspectiva Mundial began February 5. Partisans of the socialist publications have set an international goal of collecting 325 subscription renewals for the Militant and 80 for PM in the course of the four-week campaign, which ends March 6.

At the end of the first week, 34 Militant subscription renewals and four for Perspectiva Mundial have been collected. This is considerably short of the pace of 80 Militant and 20 PM renewals needed each week to make the goal.

Distributors of the socialist press will have to redouble their efforts to meet the challenge over the next three weeks. A weekly rhythm of contacting subscribers to renew their expired—or soon-to-expire—subscriptions will be needed to make the campaign a success. House visits are often useful to further political discussion and collect money for subscription renewals. These visits can also be a way to distribute socialist books and pamphlets by Pathfinder Press and other literature.

Socialist workers in factories, mines, and mills are encouraged to set goals for renewals from co-workers. Those participating in the campaign should send in reports and anecdotes to the Militant to keep readers informed of the campaign’s progress over the next few weeks.

Click here to see the subscription scoreboard

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