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   Vol. 68/No. 46           December 14, 2004  
Pathfinder draws interest at Mexico book fair
GUADALAJARA, Mexico—The 18th International Book Fair of Guadalajara opened here November 27. The nine-day event features about 400 booths of publishers and book distributors from 31 countries. Each year the fair honors the literature and culture of a different region. This year, books and art from Catalonia are featured. Tens of thousands, including many students and other youth, poured into the Exposition Center, the site of the fair, during the first weekend.

Volunteers from the United States are staffing a booth from Pathfinder Press. In the first two days of the fair, they sold 138 books and pamphlets from the stand. Some who came by the booth and had purchased Pathfinder books at previous fairs here and were eager to get more.

Among the visitors to the Pathfinder booth were a high school professor accompanied by some of his students. They were surprised and glad to meet the volunteers, and to learn that they were workers from the United States who are involved in working-class struggles there. They bought five copies of The Working Class and the Transformation of Learning: The Fraud of Education Reform under Capitalism in Spanish to use in their study circles, and said they would come back. Overall 12 copies of that pamphlet were sold the first weekend of the fair.

Discussions on the reasons behind the U.S. assault on Iraq, other imperialist wars, and the world economic crisis prompted four people to buy copies of Capitalism’s World Disorder in Spanish. Interest in the U.S. elections and the war in Iraq also spurred sales of the monthly magazine Perspectiva Mundial, the Militant’s sister publication in Spanish, with 13 people buying single copies and 1 subscribing.

Books on the Cuban Revolution are among the best sellers at the Pathfinder booth. These include Che Guevara Talks to Young People with 23 copies sold in either Spanish or English. Many people have mentioned that they’ve seen the recent movie The Motorcycle Diaries, about Ernesto Che Guevara’s travels in Latin America as a youth, before the Argentine doctor joined the Cuban revolutionary movement. Most who bought the book of Che’s speeches were interested in learning about Guevara through his own words.

There is also a lot of interest in the fight for women’s rights. Initial sales of those titles include six copies of Women’s Liberation and the African Freedom Struggle by Thomas Sankara and four of Abortion Is a Woman’s Right in either Spanish or English.
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