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    Vol. 68/No. 38           October 19, 2004 
Hotel workers in Canada
strike for union contract
MONTREAL, Quebec-Members of the Quality Hotel Workers Union, affiliated to the Confederation of National Trade Unions, are on strike for their first contract. A key demand for these 13 restaurant workers is protection against contracting out. The Quality Hotel chain has already contracted out the restaurant work at another location in Montreal. Most of the workers there lost their jobs. Another important demand is wage parity with the other workers in the hotel. Daniel Malouin, president of the union local, told Militant reporters, "We want the same conditions as other workers in the hotel and the other hotels owned by the company." The workers have launched roving pickets at several of the other Quality hotels in the city, in addition to picketing the struck facility here Monday to Saturday. They've sponsored fund-raisers and joined with other workers on strike in solidarity actions. All summer the bosses denied that the strike was having any effect. But at the end of September they agreed to restart negotiations.
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