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   Vol. 67/No. 39           November 10, 2003  
Imperialism in Canada
Ken Berg’s letter inquiring about the meaning of the term “imperialism” prompted me to reread Imperialism, The Highest Stage of Capitalism by V.I. Lenin, written in 1916.

Lenin gives the following definition: “imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism.” He explains that this includes finance capital (the bank capital of a few very big monopolist banks) merged with the capital of monopolist associations of industrialists that divide the existing world markets, raw materials, and areas of investment. These associations group and regroup according to which of the capitalist powers has the upper hand militarily and financially in the territorial division of the entire world.

If I understand Lenin correctly, capitalism inevitably evolved from early free competitive capitalism to the present stage when new sources of raw materials, markets, and fields of investment are imperative for the survival of the ruling classes of the most powerful capitalist countries.

Although this is often not understood at home and abroad, the term “imperialist” can accurately be used to describe the Canadian ruling class.

Beatrice Bryant
Blenheim, Ontario

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