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   Vol. 67/No. 33           September 29, 2003  
Four weeks left to complete fund
With a month to go, supporters of the $80,000 Socialist Workers Party-Building Fund face a challenge to meet their goals by the October 15 deadline. At the end of the ninth week, collections are behind schedule by more than $34,000. An average of $11,770 per week needs to be collected nationally to complete the drive.

Key to accomplishing this are political events organized for SWP leaders to speak on world politics and the opportunities open today to join with unionists, youth, and others who are resisting the attacks by the capitalists on our rights and living standards.

On the September 13-14 weekend James Harris and Martín Koppel, spoke in Houston and Newark, New Jersey, respectively, on two important anniversaries in 2003--the 50th anniversary of the July 26, 1953, attack on the Moncada Barracks that is celebrated as the opening battle of the Cuban Revolution, and the 30th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 1973, military coup in Chile that overthrew the government of Salvador Allende.

“This shows the two roads possible today—and highlights the need for a revolutionary party today,” said Harris. “Building the revolutionary party is one of the most difficult things there is to do…but it’s worth dedicating your life to accomplish.”

Participants in the Houston meeting came from as far as Waco, Texas, and New Orleans, and contributed more than $1,000 to the fund, reported Steve Warshell.

Nancy Rosenstock reports that one of the two high school students attending the Newark meeting said he wanted to campaign with Young Socialists for Britton in the California gubernatorial elections.

A September 14 program in Des Moines on “The Reality of the World Capitalist Crisis Today,” was addressed by Ernie Mailhot and Rebecca Williamson. Kevin Dwire wrote that “a worker from Nigeria who attended stressed the importance of reaching young people and students with socialist ideas.’”

To contribute to the fund, send your donation to SWP, 152 W. 36th St., Room 401, New York, NY 10018. Please make your check out to SWP.

See fund chart  

Party-building fund events

Los Angeles
The Crisis of Imperialism and Prospects for Building the Revolutionary Workers Movement

Speaker: Argiris Malapanis, Militant editor.
Sat. Sept. 27. Dinner 6:30 p.m., program: 7:30 p.m.
4229 S. Central Ave.
Tel: (323) 233-9372.

The Fight for Workers Rights and the Prospects for Revolutionary Struggle Today

Speaker: Betsy Farley, Socialist Workers Party,
Sat., Sept. 27. 6:00 p.m. Donation $5.
5237 N. 5th St.
Tel: (215) 324-7020.

Worldwide Capitalist Crisis, Working-Class Resistance and the Revolutionary Party.
Speaker: Margaret Trowe, SWP.
Sat., Sept. 20. Dinner 6:30 p.m., program 7:30 p.m.
1441 E. Fletcher Suite 421.
Tel: (813) 910-8507.

Worldwide Capitalist Crisis, Working-Class Resistance and the Revolutionary Party.
Sun., Sept. 21. Reception 1:00 p.m. program 2:00 p.m.
8365 NE 2nd Ave., Suite 206,
Tel: (305) 751-7076.

The Road of Moncada and Party Building Today.

Speaker: Olympia Newton, Young Socialists leader,
Sun. Sept. 21, Reception 2:00 p.m., program 2:30 p.m.
Rainer Cultural Center, 3515 S. Alaska St.
Tel: (206)323-1755.

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