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   Vol. 67/No. 33           September 29, 2003  
California campaign
As a long-term reader of the Militant and supporter of the Socialist Workers Party, I have noticed Joel Britton’s campaign statement in the Militant does not say anything about how to vote on the recall. Is the recall a right-wing plot to subvert those who voted for Governor Davis? Does the recall itself subvert the “democratic” process? I decided since I never support capitalist politicians to vote for the recall on my absentee ballot. Was I correct? On the color blind initiative, is this the precursor of attacks to come the way the earlier attacks (Prop 209) were? Is it a last stand?

Lenore Sheridan
San Jose, California
French capitalism?
Interesting article. However, I fail to see how capitalism is responsible for a socialist government’s response to heat deaths.

Indeed, in a rampantly capitalistic society, such as the United States, social service agencies, governmental, non-governmental, religious and sectarian, act rapidly to assist the elderly in dealing with heat dangers. (Check out how many elderly died heat related deaths in the United States this past summer and you will find it is at least a magnitude fewer than the alleged 15,000 in France, despite the significant differences in population size). Hell, we even give away air conditioners to those who need them and the power companies make special arrangements to allow them to run them at either reduced rates or set up deferred payment plans.

I understand your having a different point of view. However, it is no excuse for lazy and illogical thinking or reporting of facts.

Gene Montalvo
By e-mail

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