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   Vol. 67/No. 32           September 22, 2003  
Party-Building Fund needs
push to make goal
Supporters of the Socialist Workers $80,000 Party-Building Fund in cities across the country report they are stepping up efforts to get on schedule in making their goals by the October 15 deadline. Collections as of September 6 remain almost $34,000 behind schedule. Nearly two-thirds of the way into the drive, $15,396 has been collected—19 percent of the goal.

With five weeks left in the campaign, supporters of the fund need to focus on the detailed work of both collecting on the pledges already made and winning new contributors to the fund. Central to this effort will be attractive public events in which leaders of the communist movement address world politics today and working-class resistance to the capitalist offensive against workers’ rights and conditions.

Becky Ellis from Twin Cities, Minnesota, reports that fund supporters in that city held a successful event with Sam Manuel speaking on “The U.S. Conquest of Iraq and the Trade Push into Africa.” “Twenty people attended,” said Ellis, “including a retired railroad worker who lives about 4 hours away—he’s been reading the Militant for 34 years. He hasn’t been to an event in many years and he loved it!”

Ellis added that “from the calling we did to build the meeting and the meeting itself we got about $1,600 more in pledges, bringing us to over $5,000 pledged, well over our goal of $4,300.”

Fund organizers are planning events like this in every city with leaders of the SWP. For information on the Party-Building Fund event in your area see the Directory of Local Distributors beside the masthead on the home page.

Donations should be mailed to the SWP, 152 E. 36th St., Room 401, New York, N.Y. 10018. Checks should be made out to SWP.

See fund chart

Calendar of Party-Building Fund Events

Defend the Cuban Revolution: Its lessons for fighting workers and youth worldwide

Speaker: Arrin Hawkins.
Sun., Sept. 21.

The Reality of the World Capitalist Crisis and Prospects for Revolutionary Struggle Today.

Speaker Joe Swanson.
Sat., Sept. 20.

Des Moines
Speakers: Ernie Mailhot and Rebecca Williamson.

Sun., Sept. 14.

50th Anniversary of Attack on the Moncada Garrison in Cuba, 30th Anniversary of U.S.-backed Coup in Chile: One Way Forward for the Victory of Humanity-Follow the Moncada Road!

Speaker: Romina Green.
Sat., Sept. 20.


Speakers: Ernie Mailhot and Rebecca Williamson.
Sat., Sept. 28.

Latin America: A Smoldering Volcano, Washington Moves to Boost its Military Intervention.

Speaker: Martín Koppel.
Sat., Sept. 14.

Northeast Pennsylvania
The Working Class and the Fight for Women's Rights.

Speaker: Laura Garza.
Sat. Sept. 21.

The Working Class and the Fight for Women's Rights.

Speaker: Laura Garza.
Fri. Sept. 20

50 Years After the Launch of the Cuban Revolution at Moncada, 30 Years After the Coup in Chile-What Workers and Farmers Can Learn from These Events Today.

Speaker: James Harris.
Fri. Sept. 13.

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