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   Vol. 67/No. 29           August 25, 2003  
SWP party-building fund under way
NEWARK, New Jersey—This week the Militant carries the first of a weekly chart showing the goals Socialist Workers Party supporters in local areas have adopted towards the $80,000 SWP Party-Building Fund, which runs until October 15. As the chart shows, the pledges received so far fall short of the goal.

Socialist workers in three cities have yet to adopt targets. Elsewhere fund organizers are reviewing their goals with an eye to raising them, bearing in mind the political opportunities before the party today and in the months ahead. These include: advancing work in defense of the Cuban Revolution; building support in the labor movement for packinghouse workers on strike against Tyson Foods in Jefferson, Wisconsin, as well as other union struggles; getting the word out on the job and elsewhere for the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride, and increasing the long-term readership of the Militant and Perspectiva Mundial.

Supporters of the fund effort are approaching a wide range of potential new contributors, including co-workers, unionists they have met in skirmishes against the employers, fellow students, and others. They can all be asked to contribute to the fund. Workers, farmers, and young people will respond to an appeal from militants to contribute financially to the work of the Socialist Workers Party.

SWP leaders will speak at fund meetings in each city to discuss major political questions of the day, as part of the campaign.

The deadline for contributions to be received and recorded on the scoreboard for what will now be a weekly chart on this page is each Saturday, noon, EST. No contributions will be recorded until they are in hand. Donations should be mailed to the SWP at 152 E. 36th St., Room 401, New York, NY 10018. Checks should be made out to the SWP.

See fund chart  
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