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    Vol. 67/No. 28           August 18, 2003 
New York meeting celebrates
July 26 anniversary


Militant photos by Dean Hazlewood

More than 500 people attended a New York meeting July 26 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the attack on the Moncada barracks, the opening battle of the Cuban revolution. Held at the midtown Manhattan headquarters of Hospital Workers union Local 1199, it featured the speakers pictured above, (left to right) Luis Miranda of Casa de las Américas; Bruno Rodríguez, Cuba’s ambassador to the United Nations; and Rafael Cancel Miranda, Puerto Rican independence fighter and former political prisoner. Over 60 organizations sponsored the meeting. A taped message by Black journalist Mumia Abu Jamal who is on death row was played. Teresa Gutierrez, from the National Committee to Free the Five, urged those in attendance to join in demanding the U.S. State Department grant visas to the wives of two of the five Cuban militants locked up in U.S. prisons on frame-up charges of conspiracy to commit espionage, allowing them to visit their husbands. (More coverage in the next issue).  
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