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   Vol. 67/No. 3           January 27, 2003  
Calero defense committee
announces officers
The broad support won by supporters of the fight to stop the deportation of Róger Calero is described in a January 10 newsletter issued by New York–based Róger Calero Defense Committee. In it, committee coordinator John Studer describes the successful Midwest leg of Calero’s speaking tour, encourages readers to support the $50,000 fund-raising campaign, and announces the availability of a new brochure explaining the case in both English and Spanish.

The newsletter’s masthead lists the defense committee’s new national officers. The chairpeople of the committee are José Oliva, who is the director of the Interfaith Workers’ Rights Center in Chicago; Martha Olvera, coordinator of the Coalition for Dignity and Amnesty in Houston; Bill Pearson, president of United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 789 in South St. Paul, Minnesota; and Pamela Vossenas, National Grievance Officer in New York for the National Writers Union.

The committee’s treasurer is Eugene Katz, professor of microbiology at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, as well as Calero’s father-in-law. Studer is the executive director of the Political Rights Defense Fund.

Supporters of the committee meet weekly in New York to help promote speaking engagements for Calero in the New York-New Jersey area, and to assist the committee’s officers in their national responsibilities. The committee is asking supporters everywhere to join the defense effort in one or more of the following ways:

Related articles:
Minnesota union hosts fund-raiser for effort to stop deportation of Róger Calero
Chicago: broad support to antideportation fight
Nebraska meat packers defend Róger Calero
Omaha daily reports on defense campaign  
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