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   Vol.66/No.43           November 18, 2002  
Socialist candidate gets
hearing in Vancouver
VANCOUVER, British Columbia-- "Workers, farmers, and youth across Canada have a vital stake in opposing Canadian imperialism’s stepped-up march to war in the Mideast," explained Beverly Bernardo, Communist League candidate for mayor of Vancouver.

Bernardo and her supporters have been presenting a working-class alternative to the capitalist parties of war and depression at picket lines of locked-out grain handlers, at a mass meeting of members of the Telephone Workers Union (TWU) conducting a strike vote against Telus, at street corners in working-class districts, and at university campuses.

Bernardo, a meat packer, has also campaigned on her job at Britco Pork, a slaughterhouse in nearby Langley. One co-worker who has read a couple issues of the Militant told her, "Good for you." The socialist candidate traveled to Edmonton and Red Deer in Alberta to show her support for farmers in the region who are facing a devastating drought, and to demand massive aid from the federal government.

In addition to shaking hands, soapboxing, and handing out flyers urging a vote for Bernardo in the elections, socialist workers and young socialists have placed at the center of their campaign a drive to increase the circulation of the Militant, Perspectiva Mundial and revolutionary books and pamphlets published by Pathfinder Press.

Bernardo spoke at a candidates forum organized by the Canadian Women Voters Congress on October 21 where she explained that her campaign links up with the resistance of working people to the war the Canadian employer class is waging against working people at home and abroad. Bernardo said her campaign stands in solidarity with the struggle of 600 grain handlers locked out for more than two months because of their refusal to accept concessions that would weaken their union, and with the fight by hundreds of Algerian refugees against deportation. The Communist League candidate is scheduled to participate in similar meetings on November 4 and 9.

The campaign has been covered in Ming Tao, one of two Chinese newspapers in Vancouver. Campaign supporters who work in garment and meatpacking plants said the daily printed an article and an accompanying photo that was useful for explaining the character of the socialist campaign to co-workers whose first language is Chinese. Bernardo was interviewed by L’Express du Pacifique, Vancouver’s bi-weekly French newspaper, on October 31 and will appear on Shaw TV’s candidates debate in November.  
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