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   Vol.66/No.39           October 21, 2002  
October 12-20 target week
will feature special
regional sales teams
Supporters of the Militant and Perspectiva Mundial around the United States are organizing special regional sales teams and full-day efforts during the October 12-20 target week to sell subscriptions to the socialist press as well as copies of New International magazine and Capitalism’s World Disorder. This special one-week extra effort is needed to bridge the gap between the current sales results for the Militant and the targets we need to hit each week to bring home a successful drive.

The sales of Perspectiva Mundial subscriptions and of the featured books demonstrate the response that campaigners for the revolutionary literature have already received. In several areas they have raised or plan to raise their goals to the Spanish-language socialist magazine and to the books because they have leaped beyond the original goals. We are ahead by 16 percent on the book sales.

On the opening weekend of the target week, the Socialist Workers campaign in Florida is heading from Miami up to Immokalee, a town where many farm workers live. They will also sell in Homestead, where workers have held actions demanding access to drivers licenses for immigrants. The campaign will return to both places the following weekend to follow up with individuals who buy copies of the paper and to introduce more workers to the socialist press.  
Team to Lackawanna
Supporters of Martín Koppel’s campaign for governor of New York are going to Lackawanna, near Buffalo. The FBI arrested six young men there last month, accusing them of providing "material support" to al-Qaeda. The campaign, which demands the immediate release of the six, will introduce communist literature to workers and students who are outraged by the arrests and the trampling on constitutional rights.

The Lackawanna trip will expand on the campaigning by socialist candidates and their supporters who have carried out weekly soapboxing in New York City. During the annual New York Is Book Country street fair on September 29, participants picked up some $1,300 in books as well as six Militant subscriptions and nine Perspectiva Mundial subscriptions between the Pathfinder Bookstore stall at the event and a soapboxing campaign table near the event. Fourteen people also purchased October 1962: The ‘Missile’ Crisis as Seen from Cuba and 10 copies of the fall campaign books.  
Presenting a communist view
At an October 6 action opposing the U.S. rulers’ preparations for war against the peoples of the Mideast, another six people bought subscriptions to the Militant and more than $200 in books by revolutionary leaders. All 71 copies of the paper that socialists brought to the rally were sold.

During an action in Seattle the same day, David Ferguson, Socialist Workers candidate for U.S. Congress, and his supporters set up a large campaign table featuring Pathfinder books and got out some $160 in literature. Three people bought Militant subscriptions and 37 purchased single copies to check it out.

As Washington ratchets up the war propaganda, thousands of young workers and students will be repelled by imperialism’s war to gain control of the oil resources and territory in the Middle East. The weekly coverage in the Militant on the facts of the military buildup, and the explanation of its place in imperialism’s broader drive toward a series of wars in the Mideast and Far East to redivide the natural resources of the region, will attract a number of youth to the socialist press.

Distributors report an up-tick in the number of actions and campus events on the Palestinian resistance and opposing the Israeli regime’s unrelenting assault on the Palestinian people.  
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