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   Vol.66/No.16            April 22, 2002 
'We will win this fight for our freedom'
Printed below are excerpts from a letter from Ramón Labañino Salazar one of the five Cuban revolutionaries framed up and convicted last June in a federal court in the United States on a series of conspiracy charges. These included conspiracy to act as an unregistered agent of a foreign power, to commit espionage, and in one case, to commit murder. The other four prisoners are René González, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González, and Gerardo Hernández Sanchez.

The five were given draconian sentences from the federal judge ranging from 15 years in prison to a double life sentence. Along with the Cuban government, the five explained they were carrying out a revolutionary mission to defend their country by gathering information on the activities of counterrevolutionary groups that operate on U.S. territory to launch violent attacks on Cuba. These groups have a long record of such activity and do so with complete knowledge and complicity of the U.S. government.


Beaumont, Texas

March 30, 2002

Dear Compañero Martín Koppel,

You honor us greatly not only by sending us subscriptions to the weekly Militant and to Perspectiva Mundial but by your defense of our cause, the cause of Cuba, and calling for our release.

From the bottom of our hearts we thank you as well as compañero Greg McCartan and all our friends, brothers, and sisters who in some way help and make possible such publications.

The worldwide monopoly on news today means that, under the much-touted and hypocritical slogan of "freedom of the press," they impose on everyone only the version of the news that benefits the big corporations and groups in power, rejecting all other kinds of contrary opinions. You are demonstrating the tremendous importance of the beautiful work you are carrying out in face of this news giant that today is attempting to devour the universe and erase from the earth ideas such as truth, dignity, courage, and justice.

It should be known that, wherever we find ourselves and whatever the circumstances, we will continue our battle on behalf of Cuba and the beloved people of the United States for the right of our two sister peoples to live in peace, friendship, and love, to be free from the horrible deaths caused by terrorism, whether from the Cuban extreme right or from a state that seeks to take war to every corner of the world. I raise my voice once again: No to terrorism and no to war!

I am certain that, sooner rather than later--with the solidarity and support of the people of the United States, of the peoples and men and women of good will in the world, to whom we appeal as the only supreme and truly impartial judge--we will win this fight for our freedom, for truth and human dignity, and we will be able to embrace you as an expression of our affection, respect, and admiration.

In solidarity,
s/Ramón Labañino Salazar  
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