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   Vol.66/No.4            January 28, 2002 
Supporters of SWP set $300,000
annual goal for contributions
Building on more than two years of outstanding accomplishments, supporters of the Socialist Workers Party have launched a campaign to raise the level of regular monthly contributions to the party to $300,000 a year by next August.

Party supporters, since they took on organizing these contributions in August of 1999, have steadily raised their sights and made a sizable difference in the funds the party relies on for its work. Sara Gates, who is responsible for organizing the committee that leads the effort nationwide, reports supporters have steadily increased the number of contributors from 180 in August of 1999 to 290 as of today; and the contributions from $175,000 a year at that time to $278,000 in 2001.

These contributions arrive each month, as promised, and can be counted on in planning the party's work. This makes it more possible for the Socialist Workers Party to respond to the historic opportunities to build the communist movement today, which inspired supporters to launch the new campaign to increase the contributions.

Supporters will meet in January and February to discuss and map out plans to win new contributors to the fund and to seek increases from those already contributing. Currently $22,500 is contributed each month. To make the goal of $300,000 a year supporters are organizing to increase the monthly contributions by $2,500 to a level of $25,000.

Anyone who would like to participate in this effort can contact supporters of the Socialist Workers Party organizing the campaign in the city nearest you listed in the directory on page 12. The Militant will regularly report on progress in the campaign.  
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