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   Vol.65/No.47            December 10, 2001 
'Militant's' steady course
Those whose sideline criticisms of the Socialist Workers Party state or suggest that the party is short on sympathy, voice a familiar, though slanderous refrain favored and spread by the bosses since the time of Lenin, and echoed by the Social Democrats.

Without the steady course charted by the Militant, how would we learn what is actually taking place in Afghanistan, and on the picket lines, and about the parliamentary measures being put into place to restrain working people from exercising the rights they have fought and died to win? The truth in the old adage, "Actions speak louder than words" should impel readers to write a check to the Pathfinder Fund so that it too can keep up the good work. The economy and sense of proportion modeled by the September 11 statement by Socialist Workers New York mayoral candidate Martín Koppel is to be applauded.

Toba Singer
by e-mail
General Dynamics strike
I was interested to read in the October 29 issue that a number of workers at General Dynamics Land Systems were striking for the reinstatement of medial benefits to the retirement package. I can sympathize with their efforts to win better conditions. However, it seemed ironic to be reporting on workers in a munitions factory when the rest of this issue denounced the U.S.-led imperialist war or attack against Afghanistan.

It seemed disturbing that some of the workers "would return to their jobs immediately if equipment they make is needed in Afghanistan." U.S. jingoism and propaganda, for example the misuse of the word "freedom" (freedom for whom?), seems to blind people to the reality of your government's policies.

I would like to see workers for U.S. companies which "design, manufacture, and support land and amphibious combat systems" and other weapons striking on behalf of their suffering sisters and brothers, and for the innocent children of Afghanistan, one of the poorest countries in the world. Then we might go some way to seeing this barbaric, unwise, and unjust war stopped.

Aotearoa, New Zealand
Truth about Washington's war
The Militant has done a fine job of explaining the truth about Washington's war against the people of Afghanistan and within Uncle Sam's own borders. Enclosed is a contribution. Keep up the good work.

Amy Lowenstein
Yardley, Pennsylvania

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