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   Vol.65/No.40            October 22, 2001 
Titan strikers reject pact in Mississippi
BIRMINGHAM, Alabama--Members of United Steelworkers of America Local 303L voted October 2 to reject a proposed settlement in their three-year strike against Titan Tire in Natchez, Mississippi. "The contract was rejected by a vote of 116 to 59," reported strike activist James White in a telephone interview after the vote. "The votes were counted out in front of the union hall, so everyone could see. When they announced the vote, everyone cheered, we were so happy."

The strike at Titan's Natchez plant began in September 1998, and Local 303L members have maintained round-the-clock picketing since then. After running the plant with scabs, Titan Tire CEO Maurice Taylor idled the plant earlier this year, with only a handful of workers now inside to handle maintenance.

The proposal contained no firm commitment to reopen the plant, White explained, and instead hinged the plant's future on whether there is improvement in the economy. There was also no provision for back pay. "And they had a 'zero tolerance' for harassment provision in there that was really to protect the scabs," White said. "If we signed that, they could use any excuse to go after us, but the scabs would keep their jobs. There was nothing in the contract for us." If the Local 303L strikers signed the contract, pending National Labor Relations Board charges against Titan Tire would be dropped, White added. Since the "no" vote, the NLRB hearing has been rescheduled for November 13.

The vote in Natchez came a few days after USWA Local 164 members at Titan's plant in Des Moines, Iowa, voted to accept a new contract there, ending a walkout that began in May 1998.  
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