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   Vol.65/No.38            October 8, 2001 
Workers and farmers gov't
I am anxiously waiting to read the SWP's opinion of the attacks that occurred in New York and Washington September 11. As for myself, I do not sanction such attacks that senselessly take the lives of innocent people. However, I also realize that these attacks stem from the capitalistic foreign policies of the U.S. government.

We, as a people, cannot expect to back oppressive governments such as Israel who make such attacks on others; harbor terrorists such as the rightist Cuban groups; and supply the arms that kill so many around the world and expect not to be touched by violence. I don't think that a sane foreign policy can be expected from the ruling billionaires; that will only come with a government of workers and farmers.

Keep up the great work.

a prisoner
Unadilla, Georgia

Statement out in Swedish
Just to let you know, we translated Martín Koppel's statement of September 11 into Swedish [published in Militant issue no. 36]. We have found it very helpful at booktables in Stockholm and Gothenburg, as well as on the job.

Stockholm, Sweden
'Look at world differently'
When Militant worker correspondents here visited the Petro Canada strikers picket line last Sunday four days after the attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, the U.S. government's war drive was front and center of the discussions that took place with six strikers. One striker reported that the Mississauga installation they were picketing produced a lot of lubricants for the U.S. armed forces during the 1990–91 war against Iraq. Some of the strikers thought the war threats by Washington would put pressure on the company to settle the almost six-month strike because of anticipated work for the U.S. war machine. They reported that there would be negotiations between the company and leaders of Local 593 of the Communications Energy and Paper Workers union the following week.

"It's a hell of a situation when it takes 5,000 dead and a war to get a company to settle," one striker said. Others felt the company might press for more concessions in the situation. Only one of the strikers on this picket shift expressed any support for the war threats of the United States. Three took copies of the September 11 statement by Socialist Workers Party mayoral candidate for New York, Martín Koppel, opposing the war moves against workers abroad and at home.

Another striker said: "When you've been on the picket line for six months you look at the world differently." As of October 1, under the Ontario government's amended labor legislation, scabs working in the plant can legally replace the striking workers.

John Steele
Toronto, Ontario
I am dismayed and astonished at the SWP's statement on the September 11 atrocity.

I am not referring to what you say about opposing imperialist war aims, defending Palestinians and the oppressed and exploited worldwide, or standing up to attacks on political rights and civil liberties. Certainly revolutionary Marxists must emphasize their response to impending perils at this time. What dismays and astonishes is the utter lack of human feeling that your statement evinces.

More than 6,000 civilians are slaughtered on your doorstep, yet you can't find a way to say it was wrong until more than halfway through a thousand-word screed: "These actions have nothing to do with the fight against capitalist exploitation..." and "Revolutionists... reject the use of such methods." You use the words "murder," "slaughter," "killings," and "terror" only to describe acts of the Zionists and imperialists. Although the "methods" are "rejected," nowhere is the horror of September 11 condemned, deplored, abhorred, or lamented, or characterized as an atrocity, horror, massacre, crime--or even an attack!

If the imperialists aren't to blame, if a deed can be seen as the act of the oppressed against the oppressor, then don't make too much of it or weep for the victims. Moral outrage is reserved exclusively for offenses of the world capitalist order.

Richard Robohm
Seattle, Washington

P.S. Contrary to your assumption that "Anti-Arab and anti-Islamic bigotry is being cranked up," virtually every government leader from Bush on down has been at pains to quash it and condemn the spontaneous attacks that have occurred. The U.S. government would have a far more difficult time enlisting Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, et al. in its campaign if anti-Arab and anti-Islamic hysteria were tolerated, much less promoted.
Workers need your views
I found your article and the statement by socialist candidate Martín Koppel both informative and a welcomed relief to the mass insanity and nationalistic jingoism being promoted in the mass media.

The American working people need to hear your alternative views and it is right to explain why terrorism is wrong and it hinders the liberation of humanity from capitalism and reinforces the yoke of imperialism throughout the globe.

You would make a great mayor and I wish you the best in your efforts.

Tom Siblo
Catskill, New York
Welcomed coverage
I have just renewed my subscription to the Militant as I would not want to miss a single issue of your paper. Every week I await its arrival with great anticipation as I find its dialectical approach to analysis, honest reporting of facts, and focus on action to be a great tool in my own activities and in discussions with fellow activists and workers. Moreover, it gives me a great sense of solidarity with other progressive movements worldwide and an understanding of experiences of revolutionaries elsewhere and in other periods.

Whilst I naturally enjoy reading your coverage of Ireland (being an Irish activist), I find your detailed coverage of South Africa and Cuba of particular interest. Moreover, your consistent anti-imperialist line (from all sources) is worth the subscription alone.

I'm sure I'm not alone in avidly reading quotations from the range of publications by Pathfinder--usually on pertinent subjects--as they often contain insights into issues which could be obscured or ignored.

With the speed at which developments are unfolding, it is critical that we get access to information and analysis on a rapid basis; to be fully armed with facts with which to discuss with colleagues and to base action. Therefore, I commend the advanced publication of articles for the next week's paper on your website.

I was moved to write in response to a letter criticizing your response to the events of September 11 in New York; as I feel that it was unnecessarily harsh and unjustifiable. I thought that it was clear that the events of that day were condemned by Martín Koppel. The key issue is that activists in the U.S. and imperialist centers must now focus on the potentially deadly escalation (and imperialist intervention) by the U.S. authorities and its allies--both at home and abroad.

In my experience, your movement is vibrant and will continue to grow due to your consistent actions within the working class and farmers--and against war, imperialism, and racism--and because of the hard work and dedication of your steadily enlarging cadre.

British-Occupied Ireland

The letters column is an open forum for all viewpoints on subjects of interest to working people.

Please keep your letters brief. Where necessary they will be abridged. Please indicate if you prefer that your initials be used rather than your full name.  
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