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   Vol.65/No.19            May 14, 2001 

Come to the Second Cuba-U.S. Youth Exchange

Havana, Cuba

July 22-30, 2001
"The current generation carries in its hands, along the trail blazed by its forefathers, working America...the seeds of the new America!" -- 19th century Cuban revolutionary José Martí

Cuban youth are organizing an exchange that will give young people from Cuba and the United States time to join together in discussions and strengthen the solidarity between the people of both countries. The conference will challenge everything that keeps the youth of the two countries apart. It will be a way to stand together and show the world that unity is not a dream, and that if we fight with all our hearts to unite the divided peoples of the Americas, we can turn the dream of Martí into reality. -- Cuba-U.S. Youth Exchange Organizing Committee
For further information contact the Cuba-U.S. Youth Exchange Organizing Committee. Telfax: (537) 60 0225 or 67 0225. E-mail: or

Or contact the Young Socialists, Times Square Post Office, P.O. Box 33, New York, NY 10108. Tel.: (212) 695-1809. E-mail:

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