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   Vol.64/No.44            November 20, 2000 
All out to reach $110,000 fund drive goal
Heading into the final week of the Militant and Perspectiva Mundial Fund, campaigners around the world have picked up substantial momentum, with the biggest total weekly collection to date.

But more than $22,000 remains to be collected to reach the international goal of $110,000. This can be achieved--if a special concerted effort is now organized on a daily basis. The final day for Fund payments to be turned in to the Militant is Tuesday, November 14.

One significant advance is that, through successful fund-raising, supporters in several areas have increased their local quotas. This has pushed the total pledges to $111,830.

In Los Angeles, fund drive director Bob Redrup said Militant and PM supporters in that city, having received enough contributions to rise toward the top of the chart, decided to raise their goal from $6,000 to $8,000 in order to help achieve the worldwide effort.

"We are doing calls to people who have supported the fund in the past. Our pledges had gotten up to $7,905 and, when we looked at where the fund was internationally, we decided to raise our goal. We've gotten 49 pledges so far. Some of them have been for $10 and $20--they add up."

Supporters of the socialist publications in Tampa, Florida, collected more than their initial goal and have raised it from $600 to $800. Their efforts got a boost following a recent visit by Margaret Trowe, the Socialist Workers vice-presidential candidate. Following a dinner with Trowe, a person attending the event wrote out a check for $300 to support the fund.

At the November 5 wrap-up rally for the Socialist Workers campaign in New York City, a pitch was made for contributions to the fund, which is needed to finance the socialist candidates' campaign newspapers. More than $2,000 in contributions and new pledges was taken in. Among the many who contributed were three workers, originally from Mexico, who now live and work in the area of Farmingville, Long Island. They have been part of a fight by immigrant workers there to defend their right to assemble on public street corners in the morning to look for work, in face of attacks by an ultrarightist oufit and capitalist politicians.

In San Francisco fund supporters have raised their goal for a second time, to a total of $12,500. "One of the things that has really helped our fund-raising efforts here is the large number of people who are involved in the Pathfinder reprint project," said San Francisco fund director Barbara Bowman. "Following the events in Yugoslavia, they see how the work they are doing to keep Pathfinder books in print can have an important impact when struggles break out. I think our success has also been helped by the increase in the number of strikes and working-class fights that are breaking out in this area."

Supporters in the Bay Area are organizing a public fund-raising meeting that will feature a talk by Argiris Malapanis entitled, "Working people in Yugoslavia extend their political space." Malapanis just recently returned from a reporting trip to the region for the Militant and Perspectiva Mundial.

Taking advantage of the firsthand coverage by this international team to Yugoslavia can help secure payments on the outstanding pledges. And this is the time to ask for contributions from every single co-worker who values the Militant for its working-class truthfulness and its revolutionary ideas. Let's go for the $110,000!  
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