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   Vol.64/No.42            November 6, 2000 
Militant Labor Forums
Upper Manhattan
Defend Bilingual Education.
Speaker: Bill Estrada, Socialist Workers Party and member of the United Food and Commercial Workers union. Fri., Nov. 10, 7:30 p.m. 540 W. 165 St. (Corner of 165 St. and St. Nicholas). Donation: $4. Translation into Spanish. Tel: (212) 740-4611.
Hear the Socialist Alternative in the 2000 Elections.
Speakers: David Ferguson for Congress 18th C.D., Dean Cook for Congress 22nd C. D., Lea Sherman for U.S. Senate. Sun., Nov. 5, 6:00 p.m. Reception: 5:00 p.m. 619 West 8th St. Tel: (713) 869-6550.
Hatfield Rail Crash again Shows Bosses Put Profits before Safety.
Fri., Nov. 3, 7:00 p.m. 47, The Cut. Donation: £2. Tel:020-7928-7993.
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