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A socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people
Vol. 64/No. 41October 30, 2000

SWP supporters press campaign to raise monthly contributions
SEATTLE--Supporters of the Socialist Workers Party are on a campaign to raise their monthly contributions to the party to $250,000 annually by the end of December. Contributions by supporters are an important component of the party's national finances. They are collected on a monthly basis in each area where supporters reside and are sent to the SWP national office in New York.

Sara Gates, a party supporter here who is a member of the steering committee that organizes supporters' finances nationally, addressed the final session of the Active Workers Conference held in Oberlin, Ohio, in July.

In her remarks she noted that Jack Barnes, the national secretary of the Socialist Workers Party, had announced at the end of a 1999 Active Workers Conference that, for the first time in its history, the party would count on supporters' contributions as part of its operating budget.

"This means the party relies on supporters' pledges to help pay regular monthly expenses," Gates explained. "It means the party can make the politically bold and necessary moves, like setting up branch organizing committees, with a little less concern for the financial implications. We are making it easier for the party to make the decisions that are politically necessary. Supporters have responded to the party's confidence in us."

Much progress has been made in contributions from supporters over the past year. In May of last year, 180 supporters contributed $138,000 per year. A campaign was launched at the 1999 Active Workers Conference to raise the supporters' contributions.

By June of this year, 270 supporters were contributing a total of $234,888 per year. The campaign to bring these contributions up to $250,000 per year means raising the monthly pledge level by $1,260--to $20,384 per month.

A second goal of this campaign is for every area to send in their pledge every month in full and on time.

A steering committee, whose members include Stuart Crome, Sara Gates, and Ken Kawakubo, meets every month and sends out a mailing that summarizes the financial picture, passes on ideas, and includes a four-month chart of each area's contributions.

September's mailing included a letter to supporters that gives a progress report on the campaign. It states, "We have some good progress to tell you about. Several areas have taken goals and other areas report additional pledges in hand. Seattle, San Francisco, and Chicago have agreed to raise $565 more; Houston, D.C., and Fort Collins report $170 more already coming in.

"That is $735, with $525 left to go. [Since the mailing went out there has been a $155 increase from six supporters, leaving $370 needed to reach the goal of $1,260 in raises.] We are attaching a thermometer chart that will help us track the progress of the campaign. We are proposing that all areas who have not done so discuss a goal to take on and report to us by October 31."

This campaign looks at the increased combativity of working people and the opportunities it poses. The letter states, "Our unshakable confidence in the working class is less abstract and more based on actual participation in real fightbacks than at any time in the political lives of most of us. The party needs our help to sustain it during this critical period of linking up with the emerging vanguard."

Organizers of the campaign welcome new contributors to help make the $250,000 goal. If you would like to become a monthly contributor, contact Sara Gates via e-mail at sjgates@home.com

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