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   Vol.64/No.30            July 31, 2000 
Alberta newspaper strike ends with union loss
CALGARY, Alberta--Striking journalists at the Calgary Herald decided to end their strike here June 30 after eight months on the picket line, accepting a back-to-work agreement that includes the dissolution of the union.

Members of the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union (CEP) Local 115A struck to demand seniority rights, job security, and a wage grid. Of the 91 journalists still on strike, 89 voted by a 68 percent margin to accept the company's demands. The bosses forced the journalists to return to work with only the job security protection allowed under Alberta labor law, or to accept a buyout package.

"A large number of our members have decided not to return to work at the Calgary Herald," said CEP local president Andy Marshall.

The CEP underlines two factors in their decision to end the strike. The Herald continued to publish during the strike using replacement workers, which is allowed by Alberta's labor laws. As well, pressmen, distribution, and mailroom workers who are members of the Graphic Communications International Union (GCIU), who had been on strike or lockout during the same period, accepted a new contract and returned to work on June 14.

"We ask the GCIU and trade unionists everywhere to draw the lessons from this dispute, and to understand the critical situation that our members faced after GCIU members accepted separate agreements and crossed the picket line." explained the CEP.

The pressmen, members of the GCIU, won a 10 percent wage increase over the life of the five-year contract and received signing bonuses ranging from $500 to $1,000. The distribution center workers, also members of the GCIU, won their first contract that recognizes their union and seniority rights. But the pact also included a wage cut from $15 to $11 an hour.

"Our members are proud of the struggle they have waged for fairness and responsible journalism," Marshall said. The Calgary Herald is one of two major dailies here. It was purchased several years ago by newspaper magnate Conrad Black, known for his outspoken right-wing views, who owns more than 600 newspapers worldwide.

During the strike, workers said that Black's antiunion policies were undermining the quality of the Herald and their ability to do their jobs without fear of reprisal. In February, Herald publisher Dan Gaynor stated management's position: "Seniority language doesn't really have any place in a modern newspaper."  
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