The Militant (logo) 
   Vol.64/No.30            July 31, 2000 
Mural gets around
Recently I was at the local Borders bookstore, going through unorganized piles of cut-rate CDs, looking for music that might interest me. As I was leafing through the CDs, I did a literal double-take--and quickly flipped back. I was sure I'd seen the Pathfinder Mural. Yes, there it was, a musical group called State of the Nation, and the cover photo was the entire mural. The flyer inside and on the back showed details of the mural, and the explanation: "The Pathfinder mural ... features portraits of revolutionary leaders whose writings and speeches are published by Pathfinder Press. Painted on the Pathfinder Building ... in Manhattan, the mural is the work of more than eighty artists from twenty countries...."

Malcolm X once commented that he'd seen the Militant newspaper in Africa. "I don't know how it gets there. But if you put the right things in it, what you put in it will see that it gets around." This is true of the Pathfinder Mural, this CD being just one example. Much more to the point, it's true of Pathfinder books. It's a real motivation for volunteers to work on the Reprint Project, the international effort to put all the titles of Pathfinder into digital form, to keep the books in print so they can get around.

Jane Roland
Greensboro, North Carolina
Women's fight for equality
I am writing this letter to commend the Militant staff on its editorial "Abortion is a woman's right." The editorial interlinked many of the social issues that women face everyday, such as equality in the workplace, jobs and the rate of pay, and of course the choice of sexual reproduction.

Every issue was surrounded by the basic and human right of the equality of women as compared to their male counterparts. However, the one aspect that needed more attention in the article was the simple fact that women make up only 12.1 percent of congress. That number is a far cry from equality!! We must realize that women need to be equal to men in every way and our government, which is run by capitalist men, can't see that it's time for a revolution, a revolution in the way people think.

Angela Abernathy
St. Paul, Minnesota

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