The Militant (logo) 
   Vol.64/No.25            June 26, 2000 
Big opportunities to sell 'Militant'
Opportunities to get the Militant and Perspectiva Mundial around are bigger than they have been for some time. By getting out the truth about battles such as those by Minnesota meat packers and Western coal miners, these papers objectively strengthen labor and farm struggles, helping wider numbers of working people build on each other's experiences and emulate these examples.

We urge Militant supporters to join in the tremendous increase in the number of papers and subscriptions sold over the past weeks. Militant workers and socialists across the United States redoubled their efforts this week to get out news of the sit-down strike and union representation fight at Dakota Premium Foods in Minnesota, and in several cases had to order more papers. They weighed in on the side of the workers' battle and found a real interest among many who want to follow the example set by the meat packers in St. Paul.

News and analysis on the Cuban revolution, the class struggle in the Middle East, and worker and peasant struggles in Latin America and elsewhere bring a broader world perspective for every new reader of the Militant and Perspectiva Mundial to consider.

One of the greatest illusions the bosses and their government foster is that they are all-powerful and the working class and its allies are not. Today's events help expose that untruth. Joining the effort to distribute the paper on the job, to fellow unionists and fighters, to farmers fighting to keep their land, or to youth protesting the effects of the capitalist social and economic crisis can further this process. Order a bundle today--big or small--by calling the Militant at (212) 243-6392.  
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