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   Vol.64/No.21            May 29, 2000 
Kaiser workers build May 23 rally
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HOUSTON--Steelworkers are stepping up their daily picketing outside the headquarters of Maxxam Inc., the parent company of Kaiser Aluminum, in preparation for a rally here May 23 at the annual stockholders' meeting.

Some 2,900 members of the United Steelworkers of America are involved in this fight at Kaiser Aluminum. After going on strike in September 1998, the workers offered to return to work in January 1999 and keep negotiating. The company responded by locking them out. Central issues in the contract fight include company demands to cut retiree health insurance benefits, weaken seniority, and eliminate hundreds of jobs through contracting out.

Pressure is mounting on Kaiser following an April 26 announcement by the general counsel of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) that the agency will file unfair labor practice charges against the company. This move is considered a moral victory for the Steelworkers since it declares the 15-month lockout illegal. If upheld by administrative judges, Kaiser could be ordered to pay more than $270 million in back wages to the workers.

Kaiser broke off negotiations April 25 but immediately reinitiated talks two weeks later with the union following the NLRB announcement. Recently, Daws Manufacturing, the third-largest customer after Boeing and Ford of Kaiser's Trentwood plant in Spokane, Washington, announced it is canceling all orders due to the lockout. This customer accounted for more than $8 million of the company's sales in 1999.

The May 23 demonstration will assemble at 3:00 p.m. at the Crown Plaza Hotel, 2222 West Loop S., for a march to Maxxam headquarters at 5847 San Felipe. There will also be a candlelight vigil at the home of Maxxam's CEO Charles Hurwitz at 6:00 p.m.  
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