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   Vol.64/No. 16           April 24, 2000 
More reasons to get the 'Militant'  
Each week supporters of the Militant and Perspectiva Mundial have more reasons and opportunities to make winning new subscribers to the paper an integral part of their involvement in struggles of working people and youth. Reports in this week's issue point out how the subscription drive can be a real aid to the efforts by socialist workers and youth to meet others who are looking to join the resistance, extend solidarity, and build a revolutionary leadership today.

As working people in Asia, Latin America, Europe, Africa, and North America stand up and fight, their struggles reinforce each other. Paper, transportation, and chemical workers in Finland, for example, are saying "No!" to the expectations and pressures from the bosses to moderate wage demands across Europe. Their struggles are sure to give confidence to steelworkers in Germany, auto workers in Britain, and health-care workers in France, who face layoffs, cutbacks, and concession demands. The show of union solidarity in Finland--extending as well to Sweden--in the latest round of labor struggles is something that the bosses hate to see, and aim to cover up.

Within the major imperialist powers the battles being waged in the semi-colonial countries have a deep impact. The living connections and experiences from workers in the United States to every country and every struggle, to every industry and every region, means that resistance in one part of the world gives an infusion of confidence back into the sinews of the bastion of imperialism.

Making a real international effort over the next six weeks of the drive will mean examples like those reported this week can be multiplied across several continents, strengthening the fighting vanguard of working people, and advancing the construction of communist parties and youth organizations.  
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