The Militant (logo) 
    Vol.64/No.15                 April 17, 2000 
Militant supporters sell subs, meet fighters  
{Join Campaign to Win New Readers to the Socialist Press column} 
Reports from a number of supporters of the campaign to win new readers of the Militant and Perspectiva Mundial indicate we are off to a good start in several areas. Many participants joined labor solidarity actions, protests against cop brutality, and other actions where they met fighters interested in subscribing to the socialist press and getting Pathfinder literature.

"Last weekend we sold 10 Militant subscriptions and three subs to Perspectiva Mundial and more than $100 in Pathfinder literature," wrote Malcolm Clifton and Al Driver in Los Angeles. "On Saturday, one team of supporters sold two Militant subscriptions after joining a protest in San Bernardino against the hiring of Paul Bugar, a cop fired by the Riverside Police Department for his involvement in the shooting death of 19-year-old Tyisha Miller."

More than 200 people were at the march, which was the second demonstration against this decision. Jonathan Lee, a 16-year-old student who attends San Bernardino High School, spoke for many when he said, "I'm afraid that some of my friends could also get killed by a cop because of what happened to Tyisha. I think that marching can make a difference and win justice in the future."

As the chart shows we are slightly behind schedule. This is partly due to supporters in some areas not sending in subscriptions by Tuesday at noon so they can be tabulated for the scoreboard. We urge participants in the drive to send subs in as soon as possible along with reports of sales activities. Stories like the one that follows show where Militant supporters are deepening their work among farmers and linking it with reaching out to students on campuses who are thirsty for revolutionary literature.  

ATLANTA--We got off to a solid start the first week of the drive, selling 4 Militant subscriptions, 2 PM subs, and 4 copies of New International. We set up Pathfinder literature tables at meetings addressed by farmers who were part of a February fact-finding trip to Cuba. Their presence provided a good opporunity to introduce people to the Militant, and other socialist literature.

A young farmer who is a participating in the OCLAE conference in Cuba bought a copy of New International. At a recent meeting at Spelman College participants in the farmers' trip to Cuba, Lee Dobbins and Gladys Williams, spoke on a panel concerning global activism. We sold two copies of the New International along with a copy of Capitalism's World Disorder at that event.

A student at the meeting also picked up a copy of Che Guevara Talks to Young People. "Che is the man!" she said, pledging to bring up using the book for study by the campus Sociology Club. Three people wanted to buy the two copies of the book we had brought.

At a People's Tribunal meeting in Valdosta, Georgia, where Willie Head, a vegetable farmer, made a presentation on the Cuban revolution to more than 100 people, we sold a number of Cuba titles, including Che Guevara Talks To Young People.

Head, who recently purchased At the Side of Che Guevara, a pamphlet about the life of Cuban general Harry Villegas, who fought alongside of Che in Cuba, the Congo, and in Bolivia, explained that he plans to continue to educate about the example of Cuba to audiences of workers and farmers. "I like the part in the pamphlet that explains that what revolutionaries do is not impossible, or above what the rest of us can accomplish--but normal, human activity that we can all be a part of."  
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