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Vol.64/No.14      April 10, 2000 
Print shop steps up Pathfinder production  
NEW YORK--Pathfinder's print shop workers have scheduled production of 12 Pathfinder titles in April. Planning and organizing this flow of books out of the shop, ready for use on sales tables set up by socialist workers and YS members, at labor and farm actions, on the job, and from shelves of Pathfinder bookstores is a top priority of the print shop.

This pace is needed to get back in print numerous titles that are currently not available from Pathfinder. The shop has reserved time each week on printing presses and bindery equipment for production of Pathfinder titles, and is planning to produce three titles a week through September 1. This pace will catch up with and then meet the production flow now being set by an international team of volunteers who are putting Pathfinder titles in digital form. The shop currently has 23 digital files of books in hand.

In March, books delivered included titles that have been out of print for some time, such as Struggle for a Proletarian Party by James P. Cannon; The Transitional Program by Leon Trotsky; and Teamster Politics by Farrell Dobbs. One more title is schedule to be delivered by month's end, Fidel Castro on Chile, an Education for Socialists Bulletin. Thirteen titles in all are scheduled to be produced in March.

Now is a good time to sign up for the Pathfinder Readers Club which, for a $10 annual fee, provides readers with regular 15 percent discounts and special offers to get these newly available titles. Pathfinder bookstores can also make plans to order sufficient quantities to restock store shelves and get them into the hands of workers and young fighters interested in socialism.

Below are the titles currently slated for delivery by the print shop for the four weeks of April:

1st week--February 1965: The Final Speeches by Malcolm X

The Revolution Betrayed by Leon Trotsky

To Speak the Truth by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara

2nd week--My Life by Leon Trotsky

Che Guevara Speaks

Introduction to Marxist Economic Theory by Ernest Mandel

3rd week--Cointelpro: The FBI's Secret War on Political Freedom

Socialism and Man in Cuba by Che Guevara, in Spanish

John Coltrane and the Jazz Revolution of the 1960s by Frank Kofsky

4th week--The Last Year of Malcolm X

The Revolutionary Perspective for the United States, an Education for Socialists Bulletin

Malcolm X: The Last Speeches

In addition, a hard-bound edition of Making History: Interviews with Four Generals of Cuba's Revolutionary Armed Forces.

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