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Vol.64/No.14      April 10, 2000 
Family farm conference planned in Mississippi  
CHICAGO—The national conference and board meeting of the Family Farm Defenders (FFD) will take place in Durant, Mississippi, March 30–April 2. John Kinsman, a Wisconsin dairy farmer in his 70s and a stalwart farm activist for several decades, is the president of the FFD. He describes the group as a grassroots organization of family farmers and their supporters.

Two vans have been chartered in Wisconsin, "to drive through the center of the country picking up defenders of family farms along the way," according to a flyer promoting the conference.

Many FFD activists have been taking part in the Dairy Action 2000 protests in several states in the Midwest and Northeast. Kinsman expects about 40 to 50 farmers and their supporters to attend the conference, with participants coming from Wisconsin, Mississippi, and other states.

According to the tentative agenda for the meeting, topics will include "trade and building bridges with other states and countries," and the lawsuit filed by farmers who are Black against the U.S. Department of Agriculture for racial discrimination by the government agency.

A half day of the conference will consist of a farm tour arranged by farmers in the area.

FFD leaders considered holding their meeting in Cuba, but decided that the costs would be prohibitive. The meeting is being held in Mississippi at the invitation of Eddie Carthan and other Black farmers who are hosting the event.

For more information about the conference, contact the FFD office at (608) 260-0900 or e-mail

David Rosenfeld is a member of United Food and Commercial Workers Local 100-A in Chicago.  
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