The Militant (logo) 
Vol.64/No.13      April 3, 2000 
Pathfinder print shop workers step up pace of book production  
Photo - see caption below
Militant/Hilda Cuzco
New Pathfinder print shop worker Susan Anmuth (left) and Peter Thierjung binding copies of Le désordre mondial du capitalisme, the French-language version of Capitalism's World Disorder. In addition to printing new titles by Pathfinder, print shop workers have set a goal of producing three reprints of Pathfinder titles each week, prepared digitally by supporters of the communist movement.

Rolling off the presses this week were Teamster Politics, Malcolm X Talks to Young People, and Struggle for a Proletarian Party. In addition, 200 copies of a new edition of Che Guevara Speaks are rapidly being produced to meet a recent classroom adoption order. Last week, print shop workers completed reprints of Politics of Chicano Liberation, The Organizational Character of the Party, and The Fight against Fascism in the U.S.A.

Keeping a three-reprint-a-week schedule, in addition to printing new titles and rush orders like Che Guevara Speaks, sets a pace that will by September 1 get back into circulation the 23 newly digitized titles in the shop's hands ready to be printed, as well as keep up with Pathfinder's digitizers, who are now producing six to eight additional copies per month. Beginning next week, the Militant will feature regular coverage on this effort to keep well over 350 Pathfinder titles--which carry the history and lessons of the modern working class spanning the last 150 years--in print.

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