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Vol.64/No.12      March 27, 2000 
The Great Society  
OK, now check out the Dems--Rick Cobb, a "Human Resources" chap, says that if Republican presidential aspirants were interviewed for a job, none of them would get hired. They're too windy, they duck questions, and they sound rehearsed and insincere.

Yet they run loose--The New Orleans sheriff's office said it's looking into the charge that a deputy stalled for 30 minutes writing up a traffic ticket. The driver was headed to a hospital with his uncle who was having a heart attack. The deputy reportedly finished writing the ticket and said, "Go ahead and have your heart attack or stroke now. Have a good day."

Woofs extra--"There are 55 million pet dogs in America, and about 10 percent of them die every year. If just a tenth of 1 percent of dog owners are willing to fork over $1,000 each for a chance to get their dying pet cloned, then there are millions of dollars to be made."--Lou Hawthorne, founder of Genetic Savings and Clone.

Maybe they learn more-- The headline on a Denver Post clipping read: "Study says child care hard to find." Snorting, "What else is new?" we aimed it toward the circular file. But a marked paragraph caught our eye: " 15 states, the average cost of day care can be nearly twice the annual cost of college tuition."

Thought it was your nerves?--Commercials and "public service announcements" took a record slice of TV time last year. In 1991 ABC had 13.04 minutes per hour. This past year ABC set the record by squeezing on 16.57 minutes per hour.

Run by unclean officials-- "Unclean hospitals killing 5,000 a year."--Headline, the Times, London.

Wonder which kids they are?--A study found that children living near heavily traveled highways or streets are as much as six times more likely to suffer from cancer or leukemia.

Random chance--Denver cops were issued 178 no-knock warrants last year. The city's population is 44 percent non-Anglo, but they were targeted for 82 percent of the Gestapo-type raids.

'Es su casa'--A study commissioned by the Catholic hierarchy concluded that Latino Catholics are twice as likely as other Catholics to worship in "separate and unequal settings."  
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