The Militant (logo) 
Vol.64/No.11      March 20, 2000 
Minnesota rally builds for March 21 farm action in Washington, D.C.  
Photo - see caption below 
Michael Pennock/The Militant
Some 1,000 farmers and their supporters participated in an upbeat March 1 protest against the growing economic crisis facing farmers. The event, called by the Minnesota Catholic Conference and the Minnesota Council of Churches, became a building spot for the March 21 Rally for Rural America in Washington, D.C. The Minnesota Farmers Union projects several busloads, in addition to some farmers who are flying to the action. The event also drew Republican and Democratic party politicians who were grilled about their position on a range of farm issues and were booed when their answer was unsatisfactory. Some participants in the rally carried signs and leaflets promoting the protectionist campaign against genetically modified seeds.
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