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Vol.64/No.11      March 20, 2000 
Woodworkers 'not backing down' in Canada  
CHEMAINUS, British Columbia-- Woodworkers here struck Chemainus Forest Products Ltd. February 3 after rejecting the company's takeback demands.

The 68 members of the Industrial, Wood and Allied Workers Local 1-80 (IWA) have set up picket lines at three locations. The main reason workers turned down the proposed contract was the attempt by the boss to impose alternative scheduling, which would eliminate overtime pay and make Saturday work mandatory. This could result in workers putting in 60 hours work one week but only 20 hours the next.

Other demands by the company include a five-year contract, a $1.05 raise over five years, and an increase in the probation period from 30 to 45 days.

"The alternate scheduling is already in the contract but it is voluntary," said IWA plant chairman Bruce Emmerson. "During negotiations, the boss told us directly that he didn't want to ask us--he wanted to tell us--what schedule we would have."

"They just want to get more out of you," said a striker on the picket line. Community support for the struggle is noticeable, as drivers and passengers of cars honk and wave as they go by. "We've gotten a lot of support from local unions," Emmerson said.

Despite a 100 percent vote to strike, the boss showed his arrogance by calling in the Labor Board to conduct another vote after the picket lines were already up. The second vote was 91 percent in favor of striking. The union members view the move to establish alternate schedules as an attempt by the bosses to set a precedent in advance of the upcoming Coast Master Agreement, which expires in mid-June and covers several thousand forest workers on the British Columbia coast.

"We've gone this far, we're not going to back down," commented another IWA striker.

Ned Dmytryshyn and Vuk Krcmar-Grkavac are members of the International Association of Machinists Local 11.  
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