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Vol.64/No.6      February 14, 2000 
Miner gives 'blood money' to Capital Fund  
The first contribution toward the Pathfinder Capital Fund launched last week has come in. It is from a coal miner. "Enclosed is a check for the capital fund," the miner wrote in a note to fund director Dave Prince. "This should be credited to the coal miners' UMWA fraction. It is blood money—a bonus based on tons shipped last month."

The Capital Fund makes it possible for Pathfinder's printshop to carry out equipment upgrades and capital improvements in the building that houses the publishing house as well as the offices of the Militant and Perspectiva Mundial in New York.

Contributions are from supporters who can give funds received from inheritances, accident settlements, "blood money" bonuses, and other unexpected windfalls. The current drive aims to raise $200,000 by the end of April to help purchase a new machine to stitch pamphlets and bulletins.

The accompanying article on the death of a coal miner illustrates why the productivity "bonuses" are "blood money" from the bosses. As they drive workers harder, ignore safety procedures, and push back union control over working conditions, a growing number of coal miners are being killed each year.

Miners and working people remember the Wilberg mine disaster in Utah where 27 people were killed on Dec. 19, 1984. The Emery Mining Company was trying to set a longwall production record at the mine, and crammed 27 workers into an area where normally only 12 would be working. A fatal fire occurred, resulting in the worst mine disaster in the United States since 1968.

Socialist workers in the United Auto Workers union are also discussing how to win contributions to the fund from workers at Ford and General Motors who are receiving profit-sharing bonuses.

For information on how you can help, or to send a contribution, contact the Capital Fund, 410 West St., New York, N.Y. 10014-2570.  
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