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Vol.64/No.5      February 7, 2000 
Société Radio-Canada strikers win solidarity  
MONTREAL—"We're winning more and more support for our strike because we're fighting against something that a lot of workers are threatened with: job insecurity through contracting out and temporary posts," said Jocelyn Caron, a technician on strike against Société Radio-Canada (SRC). The 1,300 members of the Union of Technicians and Artisans of the French Network (STARF) have been on strike against SRC since December 30.

SRC, a government-owned radio and television network, wants to sell off parts of the enterprise so that the work is done by non union workers without rights. Already more than 25 percent of the workforce is temporary workers who do not have a guaranteed number of hours or seniority rights.

The strikers have been winning solidarity. Some 100 members of the Association of Television Directors joined the picket line and January 11. The next day 200 members of the Communications Union of Radio Canada (SCRC-CSN) that organizes journalists, anchor people, and researchers, turned out to show their support. The Union of Professional and Office Employees at SRC also gave their support.

Paul Lafleur, a technician, explained, "The different skilled trades prepared for this struggle by drawing the lessons of the setbacks in the 1995 negotiations when we were had." Then, Radio Canada had demanded that the skilled trades be represented by one union. At the time union members were not in favor of the fusion.

During those negotiations, SRC used the differences in wages and working conditions to divide the members. Having learned from their experience, Lafleur said Radio Canada "confronts a monster that it created. All workers are united in the same organization against the bosses who wanted to pull something over on us: contracting out."

Alexandre Geoffroy is a member of the Young Socialists and works in a meatpacking plant.  
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