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Vol.64/No.3      January 24, 2000 -- back on-line soon  
The Militant thanks the many readers who have called from around the world to let us know the problems they have experienced with website.

It's clear that the Militant on-line is being widely used. Calls we received were from working people and young fighters who read the print version as well, but like to read at least some of the articles in the day or two between their being posted and the paper's arrival in the mail. Many use the site's simple search engine as they follow up on discussions with co-workers and others, get facts and ideas for a political talk, or get research material to write an article for an upcoming issue of the Militant.

The site stopped functioning in the first week of January. In the first days of the breakdown readers entering the address "" in their computer web browser received an error message. Later in the week the problem got worse as readers were met with a site advertising real estate and travel in Thailand. Then for a period all issues except the current one were available. At the time of writing the prospective reader receives a "web site under construction" notice.

The problem originated with our web site's host company. In the first days of the new year their equipment experienced a massive failure (nothing to do with the "millennium bug"). Some 48,000 customers of the company were affected, including the Militant.

"On January 7, the Militant decided to move its website from its original host to another hosting company because of these breakdowns," said Peter Link, the Militant's web administrator. He began working on the problem as soon as it surfaced.

"However," he continued, "the transition of the domain name '' has been more complicated than expected." He encouraged readers to access the website at its new location by simply logging on at:"  
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