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Vol.64/No.3      January 24, 2000 

Human rights in Cuba

Tell me something. Where do you stand with North Korea? and China? And since Cuba has the death penalty and gun control where do you stand on those issues? Just curious. I’ve been told not just by the media but by other folks that Cuba has a huge violation of human rights and China and N. Korea the same. Fill me in.
Jimmy Harkin 
Cary, North Carolina

Great WTO coverage

Great coverage of the WTO protests. I could not wait for the next issue of the Militant to read the truth about what the WTO really is. It is often the pages of the Militant that prepares me for discussions with my coworkers and friends.
Gary Willhite 
Los Angeles

Irish taxi drivers strike

I was recently in Ireland and was able to follow some political developments. Taxi drivers went on strike protesting the government’s decision to increase the number of taxi licenses. Taxi drivers in Dublin went out for 24 hours, affecting 30,000 people.
Despite the fact that Ireland is supposed to be a European tiger, workers can’t get along on wages of about 200 Irish pounds a week and many families can’t pay the rent.
Lasse Erlandsson 

Reduced rates for inmates

The Militant offers reduced subscription rates to workers and farmers behind bars. A six-month subscription to the Militant costs $6, and one year costs $12. We send a free sample copy on request. Free complimentary subscriptions are sent on a first-call first-served basis according to budgetary constraints.
Contributions make these special rates possible for those who cannot afford regular rates. Please send your donation to: Militant Prisoner Fund, 410 West St., New York, NY 10014.

Labor news in the Militant

The Militant stays on top of the most important developments in the labor movement. It has correspondents who work in the mines, mills, and shops where the events are breaking. You won’t miss any of it if you subscribe. See the ad on page 2 of this issue for subscription rates.

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