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Vol.64/No.2      January 17, 2000 
Reprint project achieved tremendous victory  
The following is a message from Warren Simons to Pathfinder Reprint volunteers on New Years Day. The note was read to the socialist workers participating in the Pittsburgh meetings who decided to send a return message as well.

Dear Comrades, 
The final results for our drive to get all the books into the computer are in. All the titles we are responsible for are scanned, OCR'd, run through check recognition, and saved as Word files! All the titles except four French-language New Internationals are massaged and ready for proofreading.

Two of the French NIs are being massaged as we speak and we aim to have the other two completed in January. This one slight shortfall in Scan2000 is solely the result of not having enough volunteers who are fluent in French.

These results are a tremendous victory! All who have worked on it should pause for a moment and contemplate the glory of our labor. I've attached to this e-mail a small excerpt from one of the books I massaged during our work and then went back and read cover to cover, Cosmetics, Fashion, and the Exploitation of Women. I especially like this item and it speaks to us as we sit at our computers and scanners. Evelyn Reed said that labor was the most honorable, the most necessary, the most useful and beautiful of all human attributes. Laboring now to ensure that today's and tomorrow's fighters can find answers on how to resist, to fight back, and to develop the capacities, the virtues, the habits that will allow them to fight effectively and win is a deeply satisfying experience.

Congratulations to all of us!

P.S. I need to find out ASAP what each of you will want to do next. For those of you who have contacted Tom or myself please disregard this request.

To the reprint project volunteers 
Pittsburgh, PA 
January 2, 2000 
Dear Comrades, 
The Socialist Workers Party and Young Socialists members in the UNITE and coal miners' fractions, meeting here in Pittsburgh on January 1-2, salute your achievement of completing Scan 2000, the first phase of the digitizing project of Pathfinder books.

This task completed on schedule by volunteer labor is a model for revolutionaries to follow. The further achievement of presenting nine Pathfinder titles to the print shop in December marks another leap forward in keeping in print the revolutionary history of our class.

This meeting marks for the first time in many years, that the party and YS are building UMWA and UNITE fractions that are organically connected and mutually reinforced by the struggles developing in the coalfields. The central importance of having Pathfinder titles ready and available is indispensable as we deepen our fraction building through mass work with others in struggle such as the Overnite strikers, the rural proletarian, and students and youth.

The opportunity to win recruits to the revolutionary movement is now on the agenda. Your continued efforts on this project will make available the ideas and lessons needed to build a party that can advance the worldwide struggle for socialism.

Harriet Melor and Paul Cornish 
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