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    Vol.63/No.30           September 6, 1999 
Pathfinder Fund Will Help Produce New Titles, Reprints  

The work to translate Capitalism's World Disorder: Working- Class Politics at the Millennium into Spanish is now in full gear. A successful campaign to meet in full and on time the $125,000 international Pathfinder Fund launched at the Active Workers Conference will be essential to making the politics presented by Jack Barnes in this book available to fight- minded workers, farmers, and youth whose first language is Spanish.

The three-month fund drive runs through November 15. At the end of the second week of the fund-raising effort, $2,762 had been received and pledges added up to half of the goal. Local supporters need to turn their attention to rapidly securing pledges to meet and surpass the goal, and begin collecting payments on other pledges already made. This effort implies reaching out with the fund in the broadest way possible among those who are coming to appreciate the importance of Pathfinder's literature in their own political work: trade unionists, fellow activists in the fight for Puerto Rican independence, and co-fighters against police brutality, among others.

At the same time, payments to the fund are needed to continue advancing Pathfinder's reprint program. In August, newly typeset titles currently in production include: Speeches to the Party by James P. Cannon, Problems of Everyday Life by Leon Trotsky, Eugene V. Debs Speaks, and Rosa Luxemburg Speaks.

New titles in Pathfinder's publishing program, whose production will be facilitated by the fund, include Making History: Interviews with Four Generals of Cuba's Revolutionary Armed Forces. Its Spanish-language version will be issued simultaneously by Havana-based Editora Política. A joint launching of these titles is projected at the end of November during the Guadalajara International Book Fair in Mexico.

The kind of response backers of the fund should expect is illustrated by the way 19 people across the United States-garment and meatpacking workers, students, and others-have embraced the call and are volunteering collectively hundreds of their "off hours" to complete the first round of translation of Capitalism's World Disorder-a 500-page book-by mid-September. Several of them offered their help after Pathfinder's president Mary-Alice Waters announced at the recent Active Workers Conference the goal of producing this title by the end of the year, and making it available at the Havana Book Fair next February.

To help with the effort or to contribute to the fund, visit the Pathfinder bookstore nearest you. Please make checks or money orders payable to Pathfinder, and send to Pathfinder, 410 West Street, New York, NY 10014.

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