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    Vol.63/No.23           June 14, 1999 
No To Swedish Imperialism  
The following are excerpts of a statement issued by Catharina Tirsén, the candidate for the European parliament of the Communist League in Sweden. Tirsén is a metalworker in Stockholm.

The Communist League opposes all imperialist intervention in Yugoslavia, be it in the name of the United Nations, European Union, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, or NATO. The social democratic government of Sweden, although not a member of NATO, gives its support to the NATO-led war against Yugoslavia. The Swedish rulers have been deeply involved in the imperialist military intervention there since the early 1990s, operating through the UN, EU, or OSCE.

The war in Yugoslavia heightens the tensions between the Washington and the EU, but also between the European imperialist powers in Paris, London, and Bonn. They all want to change, by military force, the social relations created by the 1917 Bolshevik revolution in Russia and after World War II by the revolutions in China, Yugoslavia, and elsewhere in Eastern Europe. But with their pragmatic and short-sighted actions, they constantly come into conflict with each other.

Paris is now taking the lead in trying to counter the military dominance of Washington, by demanding that the United Nations, not NATO, be in charge of a future military occupation force in Kosova. A French-British initiative on joint European military forces is now gaining support in EU. Swedish imperialism is also on the offensive to safeguard their interests in the war in Yugoslavia by supporting Paris's demand that Kosova be occupied under the UN flag. Carl Bildt, one of Sweden's most well known politician internationally, has been encouraged to take the offer to become the UN emissary to the Balkans.

The "left" and the union bureaucracy rallying behind Swedish imperialism's call for UN intervention in Yugoslavia and supporting Swedish capitalists against the bosses in other countries, opens up space for right-wing extremists who also drape themselves in the Swedish flag.

The election campaign of the Communist League fights against chauvinist nationalism, especially the Swedish variety. We firmly stand up for the rights of oppressed nations and nationalities, like the rights of the Sami people and immigrants in Sweden. We demand that Sweden leave the EU. We are opposed to any state becoming a member of the EU or NATO, and call for those imperialist blocks and others like them to be dissolved.

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