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    Vol.63/No.22           June 7, 1999 
25 And 50 Years Ago  

June 7, 1974
Fifty three years ago, when Northern Ireland was carved out of Ireland by the British imperialists, the slogan of the proimperialist Protestants was "a Protestant parliament for a Protestant people." Today, the Protestant reactionaries claim to stand for "majority rule," but the meaning is the same.

The struggle in Ireland is basically one of an oppressed nationality for self-determination. When the British conquest was completed in the late 1600s, land was confiscated from the native inhabitants and given to settlers loyal to the invading monarchy. This was the origin of the Protestant community in Northern Ireland.

June 6, 1949
Heroic tin miners of Bolivia, striking since May 28 against the arrest and deportation of their union and political leaders, are rallying support throughout the country. All government attempts to crush the strike have been futile. The massacre of scores of workers, the jailing of hundreds, the deportation of still more leaders on May 30, and the general mobilization order to alert the entire army against working- class demonstrations have all served only to tighten the workers' ranks.

The mining population numbers some 200,000 men, women and children, exploited with equal ruthlessness.

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