The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.62/No.8           March 2, 1998 
Miami: Defend Abortion Rights  

MIAMI - Two dozen abortion rights supporters rallied here February 7 to protest the fatal January 29 bombing attack on the New Woman, All Women Health Care Clinic in Birmingham, Alabama. The pro-choice activists also gathered to observe the 25th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade, which allowed women the legal right to choose an abortion by recognizing the right to privacy between a woman and her physician. Those in attendance included students from Florida International University; members of the Miami chapter of the National Organization for Women; the Miami Clinic Access Project; trade unionists from the International Association of Machinists; Refuse and Resist; and the Young Socialists.

"It's outrageous that the right to abortion has been a legal fact for over 25 years, yet women are still having to risk their lives in order to obtain this procedure," explained Sterling Sandow, a student from Florida International University. She explained that the lack of public response following the murderous attack compelled her to step forward and attend the first pro-choice action she was informed of. Sandow felt that the Miami picket showed that rightist, antichoice force had not won.

Despite the unseasonably cold weather and galeforce winds, a spirited stream of chants was maintained for well over an hour.

The chants were punctuated by dozens of cars honking their horns in response to signs reading "Honk if you're for a woman's right to choose." Many drivers raised a clenched fist in solidarity with the rally, while others waved and smiled to those assembled on the street.

Three English-language TV channels showed the rally on their local news broadcasts that evening. Spanish-language Channel 23 also sent a reporting team that interviewed participants at the action.

Mark Johnson, a paralegal who joined the picket line, commented, "Actions like this are crucial if we are to make sure the right to choose is insured for all women".

Shirley Peņa is a member of the International Association of Machinists.  
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