The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.62/No.32           September 14, 1998 
Join The Young Socialists!  
The handful of billionaire families who rule the United States are responding to the long-term decline of their profit system by attacking living and working conditions of working people around the world. Washington proclaims itself the "indispensable nation" to justify acts of imperial aggression, from the bombing of Afghanistan and Sudan to the slowly tightening military encirclement of Russia. At home, the bosses push for more speedup, longer hours, and lower wages, while their government tries to slash social gains and democratic rights. Many young people are reacting to these evils of capitalism and looking for ways to fight back.

Youth are less resigned to the dog-eat-dog competition under the profit system than many older workers who have gone through the retreat of the labor movement over the last period. They are repelled by the alienation and inhumanity inherent in the capitalist system. They see their future at stake and are often the first to begin fighting for a world without racism, sexism, exploitation, and war. Marx and Engels were in their mid-twenties when they first linked up with experienced fighting workers. After a few years of common experience, the two young revolutionaries were asked to draft the world program of an international organization made up of workers from across Europe that gave birth to the Communist Manifesto.

Today more young fighters are among the militant workers on picket lines from UPS to McDonald's. They are among the first to react to Washington's war threats and bombings such as the recent attack on Afghanistan and Sudan. They are taking leadership roles in the fight for Puerto Rican independence, the defense of bilingual education and affirmative action, and struggles against police brutality. Over the Labor Day weekend many will be taking part in the Million Youth March in New York or the Million Youth Movement in Atlanta as a show of opposition to the racism and degradation capitalism breeds. Many others will be part of union parades and actions.

Rebellious youth are beginning to search for allies in their struggles. They begin to turn toward the fighting power of the working class and the example of the Cuban revolution. Cuba is the one place in the world today where the working class holds state power and has a revolutionary leadership that seeks to advance the interests of workers and farmers throughout the world.

Young people today need a socialist youth organization that will respond and participate in struggles where working people and youth are fighting back. Where they can collectively become better fighters. The Young Socialists is a nationwide organization of young workers and students that sees the importance today of understanding and marching within the history and continuity of the communist movement. The YS in California is hosting a West Coast conference September 5-6 where young people from the region will meet to discuss these questions and chart a course of action for building such an organization. You can be part of this historic deed. Join the Young Socialists today!

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